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Children take the laser pointer when the "toy", cornea damage renewed controversy


Recently, Yunxi Maan police station received a boy's mother for help,high power laser pointers their 7-year-old son suddenly could not see anything. Police understand that, the boy had been playing laser pointer, after the hospital for corneal damage.
Lee's son is 7 years old Xiao Hao, was reading in first grade. Ms. Lee said recently Xiaohao laser pointer is next to the school to buy, and can emit red, green and other colored light, Xiaohao often mess around in his hand photo. Playable a few days later, the original vision of 1.0 Xiaohao said suddenly see things eye sore. After a medical examination, visual acuity was 0.7 Xiaohao now, and the cornea is damaged, it is very likely to play with their laser pointer relationship.
The author in many schools around the city to see, there are a lot of shops are selling a similar laser pointer, with prices ranging from eight dollars to tens of dollars,burning laser pointer and some can be fired with a red line, while others are more than capable of emitting red, are the children called "stars."
Whether this laser pointer to eyes hurt? Yesterday, I consulted an ophthalmologist field I Taihe Hospital. "The light emitted by a laser pointer does irritate people's eyes." I Tian said that if short-term exposure, according to the person's eyes may be tingling, dryness and foreign body sensation and other symptoms, because the human eye has a self-healing capabilities, will gradually recover, but if prolonged exposure, there is likely to harm the macular area of the retina, the human eye can see the main thing is to rely on the macula, once the damage, will naturally affect vision, even permanent damage.
Tian I suggested that the best time not to let children play with laser pointer, especially not against direct exposure to human eye, once blurred vision or other abnormal symptoms,burning laser pointers it is recommended as soon as possible to the hospital to ask the doctor to determine the condition and treatment.
Some time ago, a child was a laser pointer Jiangsu irradiation induced blindness, caused public concern about the laser pointer and laser technology. Media news about laser pointer wounding is not uncommon, but CCTV did a show to tell laser pointer safety issues, but on the other hand, shopping, attractions, street hawkers peddle can see, the demonstration effect of the laser pointer. In general, the greater the market power laser pointer it means the greater the damage, according to a laser industry professionals said the high-power laser irradiation on the human body will burn weak local time. And many poor low-power effect, but never look directly into the laser. Laser Pointer eye injury crisis was underway, it seems parents about laser pointer injury problems it is necessary to be added attention.